At JD Group, we are committed to extending the life of our products by giving them a second life. By joining forces with like-minded partners, we are working on the move towards a circular carbon neutral economy.
When dealing with non-European companies and factories, you have to pay close attention to CSR. JD GROUP cannot guarantee or be responsible in detail for the daily operations of its factories and productions.
However, to meet the challenge, JD GROUP does not market any CPL, HPL or COMPACT laminate from any manufacturer, whose production and company has not been personally inspected and approved by Jan Danielsen and/or his team in India
I.e. JD GROUP does not use any factories or production of CPL, HPL or COMPACT laminates, who does not cover all of demands in accordance with the basic principles of the Rio declaration of the United Nations.
If necessary, a separate CSR agreement can be signed between JD Global Sourcing and the customer in advance of a collaboration in order to document compliance and documentation of social and sustainable standards.
Jan Danielsen: An introduction to JD Group’s sustainability efforts
Coming soon
JD Global Sourcing not only attaches great importance to the correct handling of social and sustainable responsibility of its factories, i.e. towards employees and people, but also towards the sustainability of the environment.
Whether it is largely the reuse of raw materials, energy or the replanting of forests or local or nationwide, social engagements. Within CPL, HPL and COMPACT laminates, it is of no use if only the factory is generally certified. The products must also be FSC certified.
Therefore, please always refer to FSC-certified products from the very beginning of any order, where FSC certified products are to be delivered. Because not all suppliers are FSC certified today.
All JD Basic products follow the EN-438 production norms, which is a further customer guarantee. Please contact JD GROUP for the individual technical data sheets for all JD Basic products.
As a further step towards of finial quality control, JD GROUP has engaged its own quality inspection team in India, to check the overall factory quality before goods are dispatched. This quality team mainly check the finished products and so, the quality control done by the factory. In addition individual customer controls and tests prior to dispatch can be agreed, and so all from raw materials, production, finished products including EN-438 abilities to CSR at the factories.

JD GROUP not only attaches great importance to the correct handling of social and sustainable responsibility of its suppliers, i.e. towards employees and people, but also towards the sustainability of the environment.
Whether it is largely the reuse of raw materials, energy or the replanting of forests or local or nationwide, social engagements. Within CPL, HPL and COMPACT laminates, it is of no use if only the supplier is generally certified.
First the products must also be FSC® certified. Therefore, please always refer to FSC® certified products from the very beginning of any order, where FSC® certified products are required. Because not all suppliers are FSC® certified today.
JD Global Sourcing, part of JD GROUP became FSC® certified in May 2021, under the group certificate number: SCS-COC-005763-CH.

Jan Danielsen as family supports SOS Børnebyerne
JD and his family suport each month two young children in Tansania (Dar es-Salaam and Sansibar), one girl and one boy, financially in order to contribute to their education and personal development. They are both living in each their compound managed by SOS Børnebyerne. From time to time we receive an update latter with recent photos. And it is our intention to go and visit them sooner or later.
Volunteer in Denmark aiding heart patients' recovery
Due to his own experience JD as a person works as a voluntary visitor in connection with the Danish heart association at Copenhagen hospitals, visiting, talking and encouraging other heart patients to recover and getting back to as normal life as possible.